Saturday, January 26, 2008

Knock Knock

I must admit I never for one single moment thought I would wish for the knock at the door to be from Jehova's witnesses. But there it is, the knock at the door I mean, and here I am, hoping against hope that the persons knocking at the door are standing there holding a copy of Watchtower magazine and offering salvation and God's forgiveness. I could do with a bit of divine absolution right now... or 5 billion euros, that would help matters also.

Knock Knock. There it is again.

You must excuse me I do believe the game is up as the Brits like to say. I think it is Inspector Clouseau coming to arrest me. If he asks me who I am, I will answer Jarvis the Butler and make a dash for it.

Wish me Bonne chance


Ague said...

Mdr, j'y crois trop pas. Des preuves !

Jerome said...

Proof? They sprung me 'cause they had no proof. My dear man, I'm the victim here.